Friday, October 4, 2024

Columns on the Tragedy of Tobacco and the State

Erik Devereux is a columnist for the online edition of the PA Times, a publication of the American Society for Public Administration.

Erik has authored a series of columns in the PA Times reflecting on the inability of democratic governments to protect public health from the terrible consequences of nicotine addiction. The series began in April 2024 and concluded in October 2024. 

Here are links to the six columns in the series:

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Columns on the Epidemic of Academic Fraud in the Social Sciences

 Erik Devereux is a columnist for the online edition of the PA Times, a publication of the American Society for Public Administration.

Erik authored a six-part series on the epidemic of academic fraud and dishonesty in the social sciences that is impacting the field of public administration and public policy. The series began in October 2023 and concluded in March 2024.

Here are links to his columns:

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Columns on Punishing Corporations that Commit Child Abuse and Neglect

Erik Devereux is a columnist for the online edition of the PA Times, a publication of the American Society for Public Administration.

Erik authored a six-part series on punishing corporations (rather than people) for committing child abuse and neglect. This series argues that governments should give out the corporate death penalty in these cases, shutting down the organizations, seizing their assets, and compensating victims.

Here are links to his columns:


Columns on Fixing the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Complex

Erik Devereux is a columnist for the online edition of the PA Times, a publication of the American Society for Public Administration.

Erik has taught the course, "Nuclear Weapons Technology," in the Georgetown University Security Studies Program since the spring of 2018. A "radical pragmatist" by trade as a scientist, Erik supports fixing the Nuclear Weapons Complex out of recognition that the creation of nuclear weapons shut down the Great Powers wars that would have decimated billions of lives if allowed to occur after World War Two. As it stands, the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Complex is suffering from decades of deferred maintenance, mission drift, and loss of capacity. The result may be the first nuclear power to disarm through incompetence brought about by the overall, unwarranted attacks on the federal government that have characterized American politics since 1980.

Here are links to his columns:

Columns about Responding to Climate Change

Erik Devereux is a columnist for the online edition of the PA Times, a publication of the American Society for Public Administration

Erik has published several columns related to the challenges posed by climate change including a four-part series that touches on many themes other experts now are exploring in much greater detail. Another series specifically discusses how the misplaced emphasis on recycling plastic is undermining efforts to address climate change.

Here are links to his columns:

Columns on Public Administration in "Post-Democracy" America

Erik Devereux is a columnist for the online edition of the PA Times, a publication of the American Society for Public Administration

Reacting to the legacy of the first Trump Administration, Erik wrote a series of columns connected to how the U.S. administrative state might persevere and seek to prevail against the rising tide of authoritarianism.

Here are links to his columns:

Columns on Public Policy Professional Education

Erik Devereux is a columnist for the online edition of the PA Times, a publication of the American Society for Public Administration

Erik has a longstanding involvement with professional graduate education in public policy that began when he joined the faculty of the Heinz School of Public Policy and Management at Carnegie Mellon University in 1991 while completing his University of Texas PhD in Government. Erik eventually served as the program director the flagship professional degree at the Heinz School (1995-1998) before he left to be the executive director of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management in Washington, DC (1999-2010). Subsequently, Erik taught public policy analysis for the Carnegie Mellon DC program, the American University School of Public Affairs, and the Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy. Erik is the author of policy analysis textbook available in PDF for free download here.

Through his three decades of experience in public policy education, Erik became critical of the drift in the focus of U.S. public policy schools. Four columns on this topic are available through these links:

Columns on the Tragedy of Tobacco and the State

Erik Devereux is a columnist for the online edition of the  PA Times , a publication of the  American Society for Public Administration . Er...